Monday, 1 October 2012

5 Exclusive Killer Methods To Skyrocket Your Referrals Fast

Okay let me guess,you just signed up to a freebie website,and you need  referrals A.S.A.P to redeem your selected gift.The truth is you are not the only one with this problem, both Newbies and experienced freebie  experts are faced with this same issue.Speaking for my self, I've been  actively engaged in this freebies biz for close to ; 2 1/2 years now, and i  still can't get enough referrals.No matter how many referrals i get, it simply is never enough,there is always one extra gadget that catches my eye. To be sincere, I'm just so addicted to getting free stuff online.Ok,lets get straight to the point,which is the fastest methods you can use to get referrals signing up for offers through your link.The Truth is the list of methods to get referrals is endless,however i'll restrict this post to just 5 of them.I'll update other methods soon, so make sure you keep it posted.ok let's get started.

Method 1 : Referrals via social Networks
If done properly,social Networks can be an exceptional way to convert massive groups of people to referrals who will actively be interested in the products & services offered  by your freebie site. For instance you could perhaps build a facebook fanpage or get people to  follow you on Twitter or create a myspace group etc.The good thing about this method is since the freebie sites offer various gadgets,you could just target a community of  gamers,gadget freaks or anyone who'd love to get their favorite gadgets  free. Your job is to establish a relationship with this people and  share your referral links with them.

a.Get Referrals Using Facebook
If you intend using facebook to get referral,you can either create a fan page specifically for a particular gadget e.g an IPhone 4 fan page,PS3 fan page e.t.c or you can join a group and provide a link back to your site which provides more information and converts them to referrals.The problem why most people find it difficult converting fans to referrals on face book is cause they usually go overboard with this method by providing links to their freebie offers repeatedly without any useful information.Those who go this route are considered spammers and they are either deleted by facebook's admin or they barely get clicks on their links.What you need to do is provide useful information about the topic at hand or been discussed and then provide a link back to your site where you then convert them to referrals.So in other words,all you need to do is be subtle with it,post comments that contribute to the topic been discussed ,then post a link back to your site or blog with very useful information pertaining to the topic still being discussed and  not your freebiesite.Its your site that will convert this fans or group members to referrals.

 b.Get Referrals Using Twitter
This is another excellent method of getting fast referrals.All you have to do is use the twitter search to look for people who are interested in your campaign topic e.g Lets assume you have a post on your site on how to get free iPhone 5,all you have to do is use twitter search function by typing something like"I need an iphone 5" to look for Twitterers who are actively tweeting about wanting to get Apples's new product.You'll be suprised at the hundreds, if not thousands of people who are actively searching to get an iPhone 5 onTwitter.Now your job is respond to them not with  your link,but with an engaging comment of probably how you got an iphone 5 from a site (your site /blog) then provide them with a link to your site which does the conversion.If you have done your home work well, writing a very convincing post,you are bound to get referrals on regular for sure without hassle.

This is just a summary of how to use Social Networks to get referrals.To totally explain this method, I would probably have to write report, cause it's potential is limitless.However,for now,let's stop here,I'll soon update on other ways to utilize social media for referrals so keep it posted.

Method 2 - Get Referrals with a Website/Blog.
Now this is another very effective method that can get you referrals on autopilot if done properly.All you have to do is build a website or blog (you can use wordpress or Google's blogger ) around keywords being searched by people on google,rank your site on google's search engine result page for those keywords to get organic traffic from  search engines and let your site convert google's Traffic into referrals.if this is properly done you would wake up every morning with your account filled with credits enough to get you 4 iPhones and 3 iPads.This  would be a dream come true wouldn't it? However,the issue with this method is the process of ranking your site using SEO (Search engine optimisation).It can be a time and cash consuming exercise,however the result is usually worth the effort in two fold. 

Method 3 - Give Away A Free Report.
Create an eBook providing very useful information that introduces your prospect to the world of  freebies. Show them  loads of testimonials from those who have free stuff, write about your own personal experiences,Provide pictures ,links to video testimonials and then provide your readers  with the necessary steps to claim their first free gift.This method is a highly effective method overlooked by many in this industry.With this method,all you do is write a report with a very catchy headline to entice people to download and read,promote it by giving it away on forums,give to your fans on facebook,your followers on Twitter,add it to you description on you tube.Tell them to share it with there friends,followers,fans without changing the content ,that way your links remains intact and your report will go viral in no time.I  have personally utilized this method on all my campaigns, to educate prospects  about the freebie industry. The  referrals alone keeps given me constant  stream of referrals ; without promoting anything.

Method 4 - Using Videos
If this method was left out, the list just wouldn't be complete.The thing is while some people may have imbibed the culture of reading posts on websites that catch their interest,others prefer watching videos.What you are trying to do here using this method is cater to the later audience by providing captivating videos.Now the good thing about using videos is you don't have to appear in your videos,so for those who are camera shy you are covered.if you have received a free gift from a freebie site ,you can simply show your gift on a cam recording showing the gift,the pack it was sent with its receipt,or just about anything that will prove that you truly received your gift from that freebies site.However,if you are still struggling,you could simply go to you tube or any other video sharing sites,search for freebie videos, you'll uncover a massive list of videos talking about freebies sites,some show people unboxing the gift's they've received from freebie sites e.t.c.what you can do is simply download this videos,Edit it by giving it a very catchy title,include a watermark showing your blog/site Url at the beginning of the video and at the end of the video.This is to ensure your blog Url link is the first & last thing they see when they watch your video. you should use water somewhere int th video to tell your audience to click the your blog url link you provide in your description.This is very important.When  you finish editing the video,you should upload back to You tube and watch the traffic start pouring in.For the video editing process,there are a lot of video editing soft wares you could download online for free,however i do recommend ,i have been using for quite a while now and works effectively.For those looking to get referrals in the long term,this definitely the route to go.

Method 4 - Get Referrals Using Fiverr.
This is what i call the lazy man's method of getting referrals cause you'll be  leveraging  someone else's time and energy to get referrals,however it work is one of the fastest ways to get referrals ,however,it's in the short term.Fiverr is a freelance site  where people do, just about anything for you for $5.You can pay  someone to promote your links so you get referrals or you can choose to  charge $5 to show people how to get free stuff online ; i.e show them  your freebie site.On fiverr you will find people willing to promote your referral link on  their facebook fanpages,to their twitter followers,email list,my space e.t.c So for example if you pay 5 people to promote your link on their facebook fanpages of 5000 fans each for a week.Lets do the maths,you'll spend $25 for promote your link to 25,000 potential prospects who can be converted to referrals,now i hope you see the potential of this method.lastly before you pick a gift on fiverr,ensure you check the reputation of that person first,to confirm the person's capabilities. There are a lot of similar sites you can use apart from fiverr,to promote your links,some I recommend are zeerk,Gigclerks etc.Don't forget though,alwayss check the reputation of the one you intend giving a job to confirm their capabilities.

5. Get Referrals w/ using freebie proof pics
Lastly,this works best on your own site/blog.You simply provide the pics of the gadgets you have received (if you've  already received any) or you just show the proofs pics of other people. Check the Proof page here  for samples.
Check out exceem forum.It is freebie from were Newbies and expert freebie experts converge to discuss and  exchange ideas about the freebie industry and how to get more referrals.At Exceem,you will find a whole lot of pic proofs of people who have received gift on a regular,you'll be amazed at what you'll uncover at exceem.Check exceem Here.

That's it folks,we have come to the end of the post,there are a whole lot more methods you could use to get referrals,however,this are the most simple,and most effective,nothing complicated.One lasting,do me a favor and utilize this any of these methods,pick one that best suites you,run with it ,ensure you work it till start seeing results before moving on to the next one I can assure you, you'll be well on your way to freebie Heaven.