(i.e referrals) consistently and quickly.Aside freebies information,eXceem provides a great community feeling with its very friendly members and easy to use navigation.Something which many forums lack.For anyone who's intent on building an income from freebie networks,below are 7 reasons you should join the eXceem Network.
7 Reasons to Join eXceem
- Getting Green (Referrals) Tips - .eXceem provides up to date tips on how to quickly and effectively get referrals using social media,referral sites,email marketing.
- Website review - eXceem comprises of more experienced people where you ask for suggestions on how to improve your website/blog.Simply provide a link to your website/blog asking for a review.You will begin to receive possible suggestions to improve your site/blog and how to better have higher referral conversions.
- Freebies Site Review - On eXceem,you will find the review of freebies sites you should join,and those you should avoid like a plague.You will also learn from the first hand from the experience of other people on the forum who are already on this sites and know which sites are legit and those that aren't.
- Referral Trades - On eXceem,you can pay people willing to be your referral for a specified amount and like wise you can get paid by others to be their referral.This by far one of the fastest ways to get referrals to your freebies site.
- Congas - A Conga is a method that assists you obtain referrals quickly. The process always involves 1 Conga Leader who provides a link, and members who must join under Leader's link to be put on the line. As soon as the Conga Leader gets his required referrals, the next person under him becomes the New Conga Leader,providing his referral link.the whole process is repeated.eXceem provides a very active conga system that can get you referrals quickly.
- Competitions - Competitions are usually carried out on eXceem,giving away free prizes to the winner.No green's,just prizes.
- Tech help- Useful information on technical issues,how they can be resolved & prevented are usually discussed on eXceem in detail.